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A community of the faithful celebrating the loving grace of God. We welcome everyone to join us in the celebration!

Interim Pastoral Team

Starting in early 2025, Cove will have an interim pastoral team as the search for a new full-time pastor continues. This team is comprised of Alex Evans, Jane Govan, and Louie Andrews, who will alternate preaching throughout each month. You can learn a little more under "Our Staff" on the About page of this website.

Worship Services

Cove gathers to worship each Sunday morning at 11 AM. For those who are unable to be present, but would like to worship with us, we livestream our services on this Youtube channel: Once you click the link, click the "Live" tab to be taken to the livestream section of the channel. There, you will be able to see any streams that are currently live, or the replays of previous ones. If you have questions, please write our tech guy, Tilden, at

Food Bank Support

We encourage all who worship in person and on line to give generously to the ministry of Cove and to bring canned goods (preferably high in protein) to share with the Blue Ridge Area Foodbank.


A Letter from Our Three Interim Pastors


God's Peace and Greetings for the Interim!


Dear Cove Presbyterian Church Family,         
A wonderful phrase from Psalm 121 seems especially appropriate in these holy days, as the church moves through another transition, this time from the faithful and effective pastorate of Gary Charles, and into 2025:


The Lord is your keeper, . . .the Lord will keep your life.
The Lord will keep your going out and your coming in from this time on and forevermore.

Throughout the more than 250 years of the congregation’s life, the people of Cove have been sustained by God’s grace and care. In this new chapter we can still trust God’s goodness and guidance.

Beginning January 1, 2025, as you have heard, the Session has put into place an Interim Pastoral Team to assist and support the congregation. These arrangements, also approved by the presbytery’s Committee on Ministry, are in place through June, 2025 and can be modified as necessary for the health of the church. The members of this Interim Pastoral Team – each working approximately 15 hours/week - are all familiar with the worship and work of the church and known by many members:


  • Alex Evans, Pastor Emeritus of Second Presbyterian Church, Richmond, will moderate the Session, oversee administration, and preach twice each month.

  • Jane Govan, Pastor retired from Cove and with deep ties to Cove, will oversee congregational life, pastoral care, new members, and preach once per month.

  • Louie Andrews, Pastor retired from Rockfish Presbyterian, will coordinate worship and educational opportunities, supervise staff, and preach once per month.


Please note our contact information below. While we have specific duties and roles, we look forward to working together, alongside the church family, staying in close communication for the health and wholeness of the congregation. 

As we move into this new season of life together, we thank you – the church family at Cove - for your faithfulness and care, your continuing dedication and discipleship, and your trust in this plan. 

We continue to discern all that God is doing in our midst as we carry on together in God’s important work. We are each open to hearing from you, to offering energy and care for the strengthening of Cove, and to growing in faith, hope, and love.
May God bless us in these holy days and guide us always. 
Most Sincerely,
Alex Evans – – 540-392-2083
Jane Govan – – 434-960-6244 or 434-276-2741
Louie Andrews - – 434-882-0977
Marilee Lindbeck – Clerk of Session





Cove's Mission Statement

Our mission is to grow in faith and wisdom, to learn to love better and to promote social justice in the world. By inviting all into worship, singing, fellowship, study and service, we glorify God.

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Emile Blondel's Piano Concert

On August 8, the Cove community was delighted to welcome Linda Blondel's son, Emile, to perform a piano concert. The sanctuary was fully packed with attendees and the beautiful music of Bach, Brahms, Beethoven and more composers filled the space. Watch the performance in the video player to the right of this text!


Coming up at Cove

Charlottesville Habitat for Humanity

On the second Saturday of each month, from Feb. through Nov., members and friends of Cove join with Habitat home builders to help new families achieve the dream of owning their own home. All levels of skill are welcome on these Saturdays. Contact Cove member, Greg Govan at to learn more.

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Come Sing with the Cove Choir

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Each Wednesday evening, singers gather at the home of Beth Neville Evans to practice the music to be sung in coming Sundays and then to share a pot luck supper. You are welcome to add your voice. Just contact Beth Neville Evans at


". . . and its sound shall be heard when he goes into the Holy Place before the Lord . . . "

EXODUS 28:35

5531 Covesville Lane, Covesville, VA 22931, USA

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